In the range of sentencing penalties, a Community correction order (CCO) is seen as a more serious penalty than a Conditional Release Order (CRO) but a less severe penalty than an Intensive Corrections Order (ICO).
It can be imposed for offences such as:
Serious driving offences.
Drug supply;
Fraud (where the money amounted to tens of thousands of dollars);
Serious assaults;
Possess child pornography;
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The Court must record a conviction when imposing this penalty.
How long can I be placed on a Community Correction Order?
A CCO can be imposed for up to 3 years. When the Court sentences you, they will advise you of the length of time you will be subject to the CCO.
What factors does the Court take into account for a Community Correction Order?
Before sentencing you to a CCO, the Court will order an assessment to determine whether you are suitable for the order and what conditions should be imposed on you.
The conditions imposed will be based on your need of rehabilitation. This is determined by assessing what factors that contributed to the offending.
For example, if you were intoxicated at the time of the offence, it may be appropriate to impose a condition that you undergo drug and/or alcohol counselling.
What are the conditions of a Community Correction Order?
There are some conditions that a CCO must contain:
You must not commit any further offences,
You must attend court if called upon to do so.
There are also further conditions that are optional for the Court to impose:
You must participate in rehabilitation programs or receive treatments,
You must abstain from alcohol, drugs or both,
You must not associate with particular persons,
You must not frequent or visit particular places,
You must come under the supervision of community corrections officers or, in the case of young persons, juvenile justice officers;
You must abide by a curfew;
You must complete up to 500 hours of Community Service work.
There are some conditions that a CRO cannot contain:
A fine,
Home detention,
Electronic monitoring.
What if I breach a Community Correction Order in NSW?
If you breach a CCO, the Court can take the following actions:
Take no action;
Revoke the CCO and impose a new sentence (this can be a fresh CCO);
Amend the conditions of the existing CCO.
Our criminal lawyers are well-respected by both Magistrates and Judges throughout Australia. Our results speak for themselves. Contact us now to book a consultation.
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