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In the year between October 2023 and September 2024, New South Wales recorded a staggering 141,161 crimes against individuals. Alarmingly, almost half (46.9%) of these incidents occurred under the cover of darkness, between 6 PM and 6 AM. These chilling statistics underscore the importance of nighttime personal safety. In this research, we analysed data from […]
Any person who intends to become a lawyer will likely ask, what are the best law schools and universities in Australia? There are a number of results that are published each year, but there has never been a definitive list that aggregates all findings – until now. Below is an analysis of the most reputable […]
No one likes to receive an fine or infringement notice. But in some circumstances, you may be able to avoid the cost and demerit points. This can be done by requesting a review of the infringement notice. There are a number of circumstances in which you can request a review. There are also guidelines covering which […]
It is one of the most common situations faced by drivers, so it comes as no surprise that lawyers often are asked how to beat a demerit point suspension in NSW. The answer will depend on the type of licence you have. There are different avenues for provisional drivers as opposed to full licence holders. […]
When an accused person is charged with an offence and has their liberty restricted, a common question that arises is how to vary bail conditions. You can vary bail conditions by filing an application with the court and providing the prosecution and the court sufficient notice. What is a bail variation? A bail variation is […]
New proposed legislation by the State government could provide an answer to the question of how to find out if someone has an AVO. The Right to Ask scheme would allow police to disclose information about a domestic violence offender to potential new victims. However, concerns about privacy and malicious applications have been raised as […]
Electric scooter laws in NSW are a rapidly changing field given their growing popularity in Australia. Advances in technology mean that they are now capable of longer ranges, increased speeds, and shorter charging times. Specialist scooter stores stock a wide range of scooters ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $4,000. They are quiet, […]
Strip search laws in NSW are governed under the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (‘LEPRA’). There are strict requirements that officers must follow. Recent statistics about strip searches have shown that a significant number of strip searches are conducted unlawfully by police. If a strip search has been conducted unlawfully on you, then […]
NSW Mobile Phone Detection Cameras Background of mobile phone detection cameras in NSW Mobile phone detection cameras were trialled in New South Wales between January and June 2019. The trial consisted of two fixed cameras and relocatable cameras which were moved approximately every 4 days. During that trial over 8.5 million vehicles were checked and […]
The offence of knowingly displaying Nazi symbol in public without a reasonable excuse is contained in Section 93ZA of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW). Astor Legal are the only firm in Australia who have successfully defended against these charges. Contact us online or call us on (02) 7804 2823 if you have been charged with a […]