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In recent years there has been a noticeable rise in false AVO claims being made to Police as well as taken out privately. It will come as no surprise that having an apprehended violence order taken out against will cause significant stress to you and your loved ones. The conditions associated with an AVO can […]
New coercive control laws have been introduced in New South Wales to address non-physical forms of domestic abuse. The Crimes Legislation Amendment (Coercive Control) Act 2022 amends the Crimes Act 1900, creating a new offence of coercive control that came into effect on 1 July 2024. The aim of the new offence is to protect […]
With stricter domestic violence laws being introduced, a common question being asked is whether financial abuse is a crime. While this has previously been seen in the context of family law proceedings, the introduction of coercive control as a criminal offence has expanded the consequences of financial abuse. This is because control of finances is […]
First-time domestic violence charges are taken very seriously by the courts. In today’s climate, it is not unusual for sentences of imprisonment to be imposed for these offences. It is also often difficult to avoid a conviction unless your case is prepared and presented by an experienced criminal defence lawyer. Generally, an Apprehended Domestic Violence […]
Victims of verbal abuse often wonder whether it is a crime and whether there is any recourse for them. This is particularly so when it occurs in the context of a domestic violence situation. Obtaining an apprehended violence order (AVO) is a possibility but only in circumstances where the conduct meets the requisite criteria. What […]
The criminal justice system regularly deals with persons who make a complaint to police about their partner, but later decide that they want to know how to get domestic violence charges dropped. There may also be circumstances where a complainant has explicitly told police that they do not want their partner charged, but police lay […]
A common situation faced by lawyers, Police and the Courts is when a defendant or complainant asks how to get an AVO dropped. Often the defendant and protected person will have resolved the situation. Or the anger and acrimony between them has subsided. Many people think that it is as simple as the complainant saying […]
Those in abusive relationships often ask, can you sue for domestic violence in Australia? The answer is yes, victims of domestic violence can sue offenders regardless of their relationship with them. However, there are a number of complexities which are explored below. How Do Courts Handle Domestic Violence Cases in Australia? Australian courts protect the […]
The question of how to beat an AVO is one that lawyers answer almost daily. This is unsurprising given an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) can have a devastating effect on yourself, your partner and your family. It is important to understand that there are stringent processes involved with these orders. Defending an AVO can be […]
When a person is served with an apprehended violence order for the first time, they will often ask, what is the difference between an AVO and ADVO? This is a reference to an apprehended violence orders (AVO) and an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO). While both are orders which restrain specific behaviour there are some […]