No disqualification or criminal record for Mid range drink driving despite accident
Our client is a 28 year old retail manager living in Goulburn.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she was under a significant amount of stress at work. She had been ordered by management to lay off six of her colleagues. She had also been placed on leave herself.
One night she consumed a number of glasses of wine. She then felt an inexplicable urge to leave her house.
She did so and got behind the wheel of her vehicle.
Unfortunately, her journey ended when she veered onto another person’s front yard and crashed into their vehicle and garage.
Both vehicles were written off and there was structural damage to the garage.
Police attended the scene and subjected her to a breath test which was positive. At the Police Station she registered a reading of 0.115 and was charged with Mid Range Drink Driving.
We arranged for our client to engage in treatment with one of our specialist clinical psychologists who was able to diagnose her with severe depression.
At Court, there were a number of other drink driving cases which received convictions including readings of 0.09 and 0.097.
We then proceeded to make submissions highlighting the significant extra-curial punishment our client had suffered, her unblemished traffic record and need for licence.
Ultimately the Magistrate was persuaded to allow our client to keep her licence and avoid a criminal conviction.
This is an excellent example of why having an accredited specialist in criminal and traffic law representing you makes a massive difference.