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Our client is a sole director of an air conditioning company located in Australia. As part of his business, he drives on average 1000 kilometres every week. His licence was suspended as a result of an unpaid parking ticket in July 2023. On the night of the incident he was stopped by the Police for […]
Astor Legal recently were successful in persuading a Judge to allow an appeal and sentence our client to a Section 10 for high-range drink driving. The client was a 26-year-old truck driver. He had recently come to Australia by himself to earn money and support his family financially overseas. On the day of the offence […]
Our client is a young doctor who was caught with an 0.08 blood alcohol reading after being stopped for a random breath test. He was subsequently charged with driving with mid-range PCA. In the Local Court he instructed another firm to appear for him. He was convicted and given six month disqualification at Downing Centre […]
Our Client is a 32 year old man who was caught with an 0.099 blood alcohol reading through a random breath test. He was subsequently charged with driving with mid-range PCA. He came to us distraught at the thought of facing a lengthy disqualification period, which would mean he would have to close his delivery […]
Last week Astor Legal appeared at Sutherland Local Court on behalf of our 39-year-old client. Our client was a member of the Australian Navy and had served for over 20 years. In the lead up to the offence, he had spent 3 years on a Navy ship, away from his family. Upon his return, he […]
Astor Legal recently appeared at Sutherland Local Court on behalf of our 62-year-old client. Our client had attended a wine tasting the night before where he consumed a number of alcoholic drinks. He consumed a further two glasses of wine with dinner. The next morning he woke up and drove to work. Unfortunately, his blood […]
Astor Legal recently appeared for a 54-year-old mechanic who was charged with ‘drive with mid-range PCA‘. Our client was the owner of a workshop and employed a number of people. As such, he did not have a very strong need for a licence as there were other employees who could fulfil driving obligations. Initially our […]
Last week Astor Legal appeared for a 27 year old truck driver who was charged with ‘drive with mid-range PCA‘. Our client had been through a tumultuous few months leading up to the offence. His family were in India and were in the midst of a third wave of the COVID pandemic. He was the […]
Astor Legal recently appeared at Hornsby Local Court on behalf of our client who was employed as a truck driver. Three years ago he had been disqualified from driving for 6 months after he was convicted of an offence of ‘Drive Under the Influence‘. At the time he had been represented by another law firm. […]
Our client is a 41-year-old single mother who works as a carer for the elderly. She came to Australia over 8 years ago and shortly afterwards became an Australian citizen. At the time she was driving on an international licence. Regrettably, she was not aware that within 3 months of becoming a permanent resident or […]