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Traffic cameras have captured a shocking image of a driver appearing to snort a substance off a mobile phone while driving. Driving Under the Influence of a Drug is ordinarily seen by the Courts as a serious offence. The seriousness of this offence would be significantly amplified if a driver is also using a mobile […]
If you’re going to court you’ve probably heard about the “traffic offenders program”. You may have done some research yourself, or you’ve spoken to a lawyer who might have suggested you enrol in a traffic offenders’ program. You’re probably wondering, “what is it” and “Do I really have to spend my time doing it” The short answer […]
As the weather warms up more people will be taking to the water over summer, but many don’t know the laws regarding drink driving on a boat. Drink driving laws apply to any ‘vessel’ which includes not only boats but jet skis, kayaks, sailboards and kite boards. The Law on Drink Driving on A Boat […]
In August 2019 social media was a-buzz after Victorian Police posted on Facebook pointing out it was illegal to pay using a mobile phone in a drive-thru. The story was picked up by media outlets and is being widely reported on. At the time it was a surprise to most people that using your phone […]
In NSW unrestricted licence holders have a limit of 13 demerit points. If you incur 13 or more demerit points in any 3-year period, the RMS will send you a notice of suspension. Instead of serving a period of suspension, you can apply for a good behaviour licence under section 36 of the Road Transport […]
“Appealing an infringement” is one of the most inaccurate and misleading terms heard by police and traffic lawyers. Irate drivers often yell at police “I’m going to appeal this fine!” just as often as traffic lawyers take calls from those who “want to appeal a ticket”. Unfortunately, it is not an appeal. There are a […]
Can I get a work or restricted licence in NSW? Restricted work licences are available in some states of Australia. If you lose your licence you can apply to the court for a work licence or restricted licence. This is commonly referred to as an extraordinary licence, or a hardship licence. These schemes have been […]
On Friday night NSW Police Traffic and Highway Patrol Command reported that they had charged a male with wilfully altering his alcohol reading. The young male was stopped by Police and subjected to a breath test. This returned a reading over ten times the legal limit. After noticing that the young man was not exhibiting any […]
Have you ever been alerted to speed cameras or police by an oncoming motorist flashing their headlights at you? Flashing your headlights can result in a fine of $112 and 2 demerit points. But now there’s an app for that. Launched in 2006, Waze is a GPS navigation app. In 2013 Google purchased Waze for […]
The crackdown on using a mobile phone while driving is continuing in New South Wales. Just in time for the October long weekend , the demerit points for using a mobile phone while driving have increased from four to five. Additionally, the offence has been added to the list of offences which incur double demerit […]